Thursday, December 4, 2014

Be Not Afraid.

Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices
That, if I then had waked after long sleep
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again (The Tempest. III.ii.130–138).

Whenever I get angry, whenever I vow to curse those who have stolen my island, whenever I fall asleep, I think of my island.

My island is full of voices.

My island is magical. It is full of it's own history, though the sailors want to make it's history theirs.

The island is not full of resources. It is not to be used for greed. The island is full of magic. This island can never hurt me, despite the evil men that try to take it from me.

I may serve many masters. I may work long days and be punished to a wicked life. But this island will be mine. I cannot be afraid, for this island will never disappear.

Works Cited
"The Magical Island” Image. 6/26/12. Web.  12/4/14
Shakespeare, W., & Horne, D. (1955). The tempest([Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Master is an evil word.

They taught me language.
I learned how to say "Master."

They taught me language.
I learned how to say "how much wood?"

They taught me language.
I learned how to say "yes, sir."

They taught me language.
I learned how to say "work."

They gave me goods.
I learned how to feel guilty.

They took my island.
They told me it was theirs.

They taught me how to listen.
They called me a monster.

They introduced me to the "old world."
I lost my world.

They told me they bring "good tidings."
I see only evil.

Works Cited
"Slave Shackles.” Image. 6/1/12. Web.  12/4/14.

Praise God!

Praise God. I have misspoke!

Those spirits were not evil spirits. They were good. They brought me celestial liquor!

I must worship this spirit. All night, he continued to give me this wonderful libation. I told him I would worship him and show him the entire island; anything he needed, I would give his I would kiss his feet if I had to.

I have a new master! I have a new master! No more days under the rule of Prospero. His name is Stephano and he shall be my master.

Hold on. My master is calling me. I must go!

Works Cited
"My Heavenly Home” Image. 1/27/14. Web. 12/4/14.

I am not a monster.

Last time I wrote to you, I needed sleep. The pain of Prospero had gotten to my head. The madness of it all is unbearable.

As I went sleep under a small cloak, I heard a voices that I swore was a spirit coming to torture me. The spirit came beneath the blanket as I screamed in fear. Then another spirit came; this one in a drunk stupor. I cried out!

The Spirit Torments me!

The spirits called me monster. They called me the devil. They mocked me and forced liquor down my throat.

The Spirit Torments me!

I promise to work harder; to work faster; to do whatever Prospero asks. Despite his savagery, I shall be his key to wealth, to land, to resources. May this island be his if he frees me from these evil spirits!

Works Cited

"I Am Not A Monster.” Image. 8/2/13. Web.  12/4/14.

This is my home.

I curse the man who claims this island is his. It is my home, not his! His home is greed and power.
Prospero, you evil man!

All the infections that the sun sucks up
From bogs, fens, flats, on Prosper fall and make him
By inchmeal a disease! (The Tempest, II. ii.1-3)

I have lived on this island for many years. It was my mother's before he stole it. Prospero came in search of riches, but he disregards the very people who lived on this island in the first place.

I look forward to the day when we shall rise again.

Much like my mother, I shall overthrow Prospero. He will become my servant. And Miranda, perhaps my wife.

But what shall I do? How does a servant overthrow his master? How does a man bite the hand that feeds him? These evil men have overtaken our island and need to leave, yet they have more power and resources than we could ever imagine.

Everyday, he asks me to work. Work harder. Work faster. I have no time to plan.

Madness. It's madness! This island. It's cruelty is making me go crazy.

I must sleep this off. Good night all.

Works Cited
"Othello Castle.” Image. 7/5/14. Web.  12/4/14.

Shakespeare, W., & Horne, D. (1955). The Tempest ([Rev. ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press.